Yuankai Qi

Yuankai Qi

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

University of Adelaide

During my Ph.D period, I mainly fouced on the visual object tracking task. I have published many papers regarding visual tracking on top venues, such as TPAMI, TIP, CVPR, ECCV, AAAI, etc. I have also achieved serval awards on visual tracking related international challenges, such as the Winner of DAVIS 2017, the runner-up of VisDrone 2018.

Now, I focus more on vision-and-language navigation tasks and have published several papers on CVPR, ECCV, NeurIPS. In 2019, we proposed the remote object grounding task in real-indoor envirionments, hoping push forward the research of intelligent robots. Currently, I serve as reviewers for TPAMI, TIP, CVIU, TCSVT, PR, CVPR, AAAI, ICCV, etc.


  • Vision-and-Language Navigation
  • Visual Object Tracking


  • PhD in Computer Science, 2018

    Harbin Institute of Technology

  • MEng in Computer Science, 2013

    Harbin Institute of Technology

  • BSc in Computer Science, 2011

    Harbin Institute of Technology